Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Kalevala and skills, the aim of this translation

Finns have wisdom that most other nationalities lack. Part of that wisdom comes from reading Kalevala, but Kalevala is a difficult book to translate. This wisdom comes from learning via close relationship with the nature and living with the four seasons, in ever varying weathers. There is wisdom that one can learn from the challenges of one's life, wisdom about doing one's very best and learning new skills, and getting strenght to other things done from what one has so learned, so that it was not just one experience but way to learn for all of one's life.Also when one encounters something concretical and ages old, one can learn about the basic nature of humans, about the wisdom encoded in our nature, about wise ways of living, about profound ages old way to live and be social, kind of basic form of life, something which is at the core of every human deed adn fate, even in these modern times. So my intentipn has not been to translate Kalevala as poems or fine words but only to translate some things of what it teaches skills for life, wisdom about the human nature and about ways to learn about life, about what is profound in the world. But Kalevala is a long book and this is just a beginning of the ephos.

The Finnish relationship to the Finnish nature is essential in understanding Kalevala. But of course foreigners seldom know the Finnish nature. So I have tried to translate the nature contact in a general level that would apply in other climates too, even if there are less possibilites of wandering in the nature. It is a big problem in Finland for foreigners that they tend to get a flu and it just lasts and lasts and so they are just ill and dizzy and don't learn anything much while in thius climate. So what they need to learn, they ought to learn in their original climate, even if things there are very different from Finland. The nature is of course different too, but in this way of learning the point isn't mostly in what the animal or plant does, except that it is ages old, but instead on it having a varying rythm (courses twinding in a structured way), on it having wisdom in it's ways of doing, in encoded in it's atmosphere, in it touching our ages old nature. And on the other hand it learning, especially at quite young age, about what it does also other skills needed for life, like from watching beauty of nature one learns to look at landscapes and observe a lot, understand life in the living and gain wisdom of life.

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My other texts offer suport for this endeavour: I have written about:
* living wisely the seasons
* healthy ways of living and doing
* learning thinking skills ,
* learning other skills
* working life and feelings
I have also translated some famous Finnish poems:

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February 28th is the time of the year when winter skills are at their
highest, and so it is also Kalevala's day in Finland, day of the
Finnish culture.

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June 2018 (In the Finnish summer)
About the translator of this translation:
My name is Kaisa Hannele Tervola and I am a 46 years old Finnish woman, originally from the capital and now live in Savonlinna in Southern Savo.

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20. August 2018
If you find Kalevala's viewpoint and level of skill and fracturelessness hard to understand, please read my blog and read the texts on links from that blog: maybe first my paradise theory ( you see the basics on this link but need to add the part about feelings: the book at the beginning of the blog ), then increasing thinking skills and intelligence and then abut healthy ways of living and doing things ( and ), but those are all big bunches of texts.

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8. September 2018
"I am not sure of this, but my impression is that each weather, also in widely different climates, is best lived in a way which you find when you pay central attention to some fine whole of the nature, like an atmospheric branch in nature, that is especially spirited in it's view of how to live such wetaher and to which heights one's wisdom of life, skill, virtues of character and enjoyment of life could so rise,for example on some animal of the wilderness, and from siuch viewpoint pay attention to it's view on the ways of living: that is what is the way of living such wetahers and such temperatures, maybe such days, evenings, nights & mornings. Follow that advice and search for a new advice when the weather is clearly different."

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29th January 2019
Kalevala isn't and hasn't been the only source of wisdom for Finns. Finns are a nation that values highly civilized wisdom and lives through it, via it. In the old times before school the Finnish and Kalevala's way of looking at landscapes observing clearly their structures offered good quality objective rationality that when used by the group and society bring lots of wisdom of civilized type.

In other climates one could maybe learn Kalevala's type of nature contact from a farm or scout hut of kids in one's own climate, in Asia most likely a Buddhist farm, but those need to have at least some trees. The Finnish way of looking at the nature resembles the way light shining through the branches of trees is beautiful in also other climates.

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1st of Fenruary 2019
It is my impression from news that people in most countries have appeared sleepy this year January. I wonder can reading Kalevala cause such, since learning fracturelessness and wisdom is like starting a holiday: you need holiday level things from the media and your surroundings, like maybe changing the newspaper from Washington Post to New York Times, or listening to some religious program,or reading more articles written by the elderly, watching from tv some nature documentary from Alaska or somewhere else in the cold climate zone where ways of living need to be healthy because of the climate, maybe something about the Finnish culture too, from countryside and nature and weather centered life in your own climate, etc. Please notice that hymns that Kalevala mentions are a Christian hymns and Kalevala is not a religion but wisdom to teach to the younger generations. Music with wisdom of life and civilized wisdom are very important.

8th February 2019

Since this translation of Kalevala is climate-free, it

does not teach Finnish climate skills. So in questions

of ways of living it seeks to have many different

versions: at least oe for each country and climate

area, but of course those are born from the skills and

lives of the readers. Likewise, Kalevala teaches skills

for many different types of people with different

levels of understanding. So one person's or country's

idea of Kalevala isn't like that of the others. The

Finnish culture values the original Finnish Kalevala

especially much.
So the type of thinking one learns with the help of

this translation varies from climate to climate and

from type of vegetation to another, and mostly depends

on the local culture too.

If you on this translation of Kalevala pay attention to my own view, I have already written very many advices about learning skills and also some about large scale issues in the world: please see here recommended links to my texts or click my name and go to my profile where there is a list of my blogs.

11th February 2019   At least now I think that I will not translate Kalevala longer than the this far translated first poem fully and the beginning of the second poem ending to the part of sewing trees. This is because a short piece that already teaches quite much is easier for all to read than a longer one, and if some would read longer and tell about the text's contents to others, that would most likely not teach them as much as them themselves reading this much. Kalevala has a view of it's own, si it is better to read by oneself.

27.8.2019   One can learn climate skills well from tree species originally from the climate one is in, not from planted foreign tree species of different climates.

6th of February 2020   As far as I know, you do not need to read kalevala several times. You can read it againif it is your hobby, but if you read it once like a part of your civiliced wisdom, you stay wiser for tens of years. You do not need to copy it or the like. You just have a better idea of what wisdom is like, and so you are often wiser than before. So it ought to be useful to read Kalevala also in widely different climates.

25th of July 2020   Kalevala as a word brings to mind the word "kalavale"= a lie about how enermously big fish(achievement) you have managed to catch, and the words "kalliit valat" = valuable loved oaths, which is something that kalevala's wisdommakes possible or more possible. 

20.12.2020   If my translation of Kalevala's beginning makes people sleepy for a long time, maybe they would like some more skills of living the daily life in a much more fractureless way. Maybe my long Christmas gnome skills text with it's links could help to that, but remember that it is not an as good quality subject as Kalevala.

24.2.2021   In connection with Kalevala, some would be interested in a kind of school (thinking & fitting into the society) for animals, so for it see .


10.11.2023   Advices about a natural way of giving birth, see

9th of January 2024

9th of April 2024 in Espoo my new book, free downliad at

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Kalevala, translating the second poem to English

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